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Curriculum Statement

Our Curriculum

It is our belief that the school curriculum is more than the programmes of study to be taught and that it incorporates the full learning experience offered by the school.


Our Intentions

In addition to accelerating progress and raising standards our curriculum will;

  • Nurture the children to enable them communicate and express themselves confidently in a wide variety of forms.

  • Teach the children to become aspirational for themselves and their community.

  • Value the role of parents as key partners in the learning process.

  • Equip the children to be resilient with the emotional intelligence to cope with appropriate challenges successfully.



Implementation Strategies

We will implement a curriculum which is;

  • Rich - through the provision of high quality learning experiences that ignite memorable learning.

  • Real - because passionate teachers will use their professional judgement to create learning environments where pupils ‘buzz’ as they pursue authentic challenges that lead to unshackled learning.

  • Relevant - today because it equips pupils to develop their personal learning and thinking skills and relevant for their future as it will allow them to thrive and contribute to twenty first century life.


Additionally, our classrooms will reflect:

  • High expectations in all subjects and aspects of the curriculum.

  • Teachers with a passion for teaching and children with a genuine passion for learning.

  • A range of teaching styles that promote both direct and exploratory methods.

  • Positive environments where all children discover and unleash their talents.

  • High quality and diverse assessment for learning strategies that improve the quality of teaching and accelerate learning.


The Impact

As a consequence of the teaching within our curriculum pupils develop following qualities and life skills;

  • To take pride in and persevere with their learning in order to achieve high quality outcomes.

  • To develop into individuals who will go on to pursue learning at all times and in all places.

  • To have a positive impact on others, their local community and the wider world.

  • To have a confidence and aspiration to succeed.

  • To have the capacity to admire the lives and values of others and understand how the deeds of a great citizen can create role models for others in a complex world.

  • The capacity to appreciate what make both themselves and others happy and respond positively to the experiences that they create for themselves or that are created for them.


We will endeavour to ensure the pupils at Elmore Green will make accelerated progress from their starting points and achieve their full potential in national assessments and beyond.


The Curriculum in Reception

This is a very important stage in a child’s life as it helps them to prepare for their future learning and successes.  Every child’s early learning experiences should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.  Within the Early Years Foundation Stage, of which Reception is part, there are seven areas of learning which are split into:


Assessment, based on observations of children’s learning and development in the seven areas of learning, is an integral part of the EYFS.  In addition to this, on -going observation and assessment takes place within the three learning characteristics; Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically.


During the academic year that they reach the age of five (for most children this is their Reception year), your child will be assessed and our judgements will form the basis of the Foundation Stage Profile. The profile describes your child’s level of attainment at the end of the EYFS and identifies their learning needs for the next stage of school, helping Year 1 teachers to plan an effective and appropriate curriculum for the child.


We are committed to working with you to ensure your child gets the best learning experiences possible. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of school staff if there is anything we can support you with.  Our main form of communication is Class Dojo where you can message staff privately regarding any queries you may have. We would ask that you take some time to look at our ‘School Ready’ guide in preparation for your child starting with us in September (See Appendix)


Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

The curriculum in Key Stage 1 follows those outlined in the National Curriculum:


In Key Stage 1, your child will be taught all of the above subjects as a class. There may be times when your child is grouped according to their ability in order that their needs be best met. This is often the case when they are at the early stages of reading, where they will have a ‘phonics’ group that they join daily.


At the end of Year 1, your child will be assessed in their phonic abilities through a national ‘Phonics Screening Check’ set by the government.


At the end of Year 2, your child will be awarded a ‘teacher assessment’ in reading, writing, speaking and listening, mathematics and science. From time to time it will be necessary for your child to complete tests that will support these teacher assessments, this will be the case towards the end of Year 2, just before they leave Key Stage 1.


Key Stage 2 (Years 3,4,5 and 6)

The curriculum in Key Stage 2 follows those outlined in the National Curriculum;


In Key Stage 2, the children are taught all curriculum subjects as a class. They are encouraged to work at their own level and to their full potential.


In Years 3, 4 and 5 the children undertake tests and teacher assessments. At the end of Year 4, the children will undertake a ‘Multiplication Screening Check’. This is a times table test that is set by the government. At the end of Year 6 the children undertake Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in English, which includes Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Maths.


The National Curriculum

The National Curriculum sets out the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


As a local-authority-maintained school, Elmore Green Primary School must teach these programmes of study.


The National Curriculum prescribes what we need to teach, but not how we should teach it. At Elmore Green we aim to teach a rich, real and relevant curriculum that engages and motivates our learners.


The full National Curriculum can be viewed here.


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