Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

At Elmore Green Primary School, we always to listen to parents and carers who have a concern about our school. As a parent or carer, your views are very important to us. If you wish to speak to someone in school, please contact the office who will be happy to direct your request.
If your child has special educational needs and you have a concern regarding the support your child receives please refer to the school’s special educational needs policy for the complaints procedure.
If there is still an issue that the school has not been able to deal with, then please follow the procedures set out in our complaints policy.
We ask that you do not raise complaints using Class Dojo. Class Dojo is a communication tool that is intended to be used for short message exchanges related to events or reminders in school. Our policy outlines the ways in which complaints should be registered within school.
We would hope that in the unlikely event of any such problems occurring, you would feel able to discuss your concerns with the most appropriate member of staff in the first instance or the Headteacher.
​The Education Reform Act 1988 initiated rules from September 1989 to make Local
Authorities provide formal procedures for parents to follow if they are unhappy with the manner in which the Governing Board is delivering the National Curriculum, or the way in which religious worship is being conducted in school. Possible causes for complaint covered by these arrangements are:
The provision of a curriculum that meets the conditions of the Education Reform Act.
The implementation of the National Curriculum.
The provision of Religious Education and Religious Worship.
Questions regarding the withdrawal of children from the National Curriculum.
The operation of charging policies.
Compliance with the provision of information regulations.
It is important to note that these procedures do not cover complaints about individual teachers, the Headteacher, other members of staff, discipline or admissions.