Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

Online Safety
How to Report
It is important to keep children safe when using technology. In school, we use both filtering and monitoring to ensure your child is kept safe in school. Our filtering is provided by Netsweeper and our monitoring by Smoothwall. These systems are tested by our technician monthly to ensure they are working correctly. In addition to this, children are monitored on their iPads by teachers using Apple Classroom. In an ever-changing world, it can be very hard to keep up-to-date with all the key information on online safety. To make things a little easier, we will be keeping you informed of all the latest news and developments with online safety and advice to help keep you and your children safe online via Class Dojo. Any further information can be found here or by speaking to Mr Alders.
The following smart rules apply both in school and at home. Discuss these rules with your child and make sure they know who they would tell if something was upsetting them.
Never tell someone on the internet or on a mobile phone your full name, your address or your telephone number.
Never meet up with an online friend. If someone asks to meet you tell an adult. Never go alone.
Never accept emails or text messages from people you don’t know.
Never rely on what you see on the internet. It’s not always true. Don’t rely on people you meet online they may lie about who they are.
Always tell an adult if somebody upsets you. Tell an adult if you see something on the computer that makes you feel sad, unhappy or uncomfortable.