Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

Computing Long Term Plans
Computing includes using hardware and software to communicate and handle information. Children will develop knowledge and understanding of how to manipulate information in the process of problem solving, recording and expressing ideas. Keeping safe on-line (E-Safety) will also be taught and referred to whenever the children use technology.
Computing significantly is used to support language, communication and learning in all areas of the curriculum at Elmore Green Primary School. Every pupil from Y1 onwards have their own IPad to be used daily to access our curriculum and support their learning. From Year 4 onwards most pupils will use IPad technology in all core curriculum lessons. Pupils in Key Stage 1 will use IPads to support their learning in Maths in particular. Pupils in Reception also have access to IPad technology, which is utilised to facilitate their learning or part of adult-focussed tasks.
Due to the nature of our mixed age structure, from Year 1 onwards, our Computing curriculum is taught on a two-year cycle.